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Dave Ramsey is America’s most-trusted personal finance expert.

Helen is part of an elite nationwide force of RamseyTrusted real estate professionals who have been vetted based on several indicators such as knowledge, performance, and willingness to teach.

Helen and her husband have been completely debt-free for almost 15 years and regularly lead Financial Peace University courses at their church in Fort Worth based on these principles.

Helen and her husband with Dave Ramsey
Dave Ramsey's advice on buying a home:
  • Get out of debt first
  • 10-20% down payment
  • Make sure total payment is less than 25% of your take-home pay
  • Avoid adjustable-rate mortgages
  • 15-year term noteĀ 
  • Utilize the services of a full-time real estate professional
Helen and Ramsey personality Rachel Cruze